Louis Carnell is a musician, artist, and curator living in London.
Carnell’s work has deep in its heart a concern with both the physical and digital environments where Louis finds himself. His use of sound to interrogate social structures and hierarchy, saw him at the forefront of tackling themes of anxiety, and the connotations of masculinity and race through the entanglement of introspection.
His meticulous attention to the visual world has resulted in collaborations with Arcin Sagdic, Daniel Sannwald, Frederik Heyman and Peter De Potter.
111 will emerge as a cycle of 15 single releases, with the aim of creating an environment for the listener to explore the series without hierarchy, questioning how and with whom we collaborate, and where we can find commonality and community.
Over 15 collaborations with a diverse selection of artists from across the globe, Louis Carnell conceived of 111 as an endeavour to trace the shape of hope, in an epoch of disintegration. 111 is a curatorial statement from one of the UK’s most elusive artists, drawing on moving image, recorded music, live performance, scenography and sculpture.